A commission to plan&realize a garden with participatory metods in Hemslöjdsgården in Kristiinankaupunki (FI).
The garden is named by FRANS HENRIKSON (1870-1960) who was a businessman, promoter of culture and significant benefactor of Kristinestad.The Swedish-language Hemslöjdsförening i Kristinestad was founded on Henrikson’s initiative. Hemslöjdsgården is still an active centre for handicrafts and cottage industry.
This project began with participatory methods where I discussed with the center's active users about their wants and needs for the garden. They participated when we planted the plants in the garden.
The garden resembles the human body, which is a conscious choice, as if Frans is protecting the garden. In the middle of the yard (the heart) I have placed a stone with Fran's quote. The stage (head) is the gathering place where the soul is fed. A place for presentations and where users can gather. Through the corridors (legs) you move to different houses in the area.