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An art project with the caregivers - family members of people with memory disease

See me is the result of an art project by me in collaboration with  Minnesstödsföreningen Förgätmigej rf. in Vaasa (a local dementia support association), and a group of family members of people with memory disease. All group members made a personal folder about their family member during 2015-16.

The goal of the project was to develop a model folder that could help people with memory disorders, their family members and healthcare professionals. An important aspect, which I did not consider in advance, was the mourning process of the relatives. Making the folder awakened good memories, memories from before which, according to participants, gave them strength to go on. So many great memories.

After the collaborative work I made a prototype which is developed from the test group's work. The folder contains designed backgrounds for photographs and information about what and how to do, which facilitates the work.

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